Sometimes writers, including creative writer, blogger, playwright, screenwriter - faced barriers to shout out the ideas that have been mingling in their mind. Now, my discussion here is more focus on the medium of writing a script. Some people tend to use conventional mediums such as typing machines, words in a computer, or just simply use a pencil or pen and blank notes. But nowadays, a lot of accessible apps and also modest technology could apply in the writing process.
For a newbie writer, here are some brief pros and cons of the mediums that are best to be used to explode your ideas.
Conventional medium
I could say that some artists, including myself, prefer to sketch up their first draft in blank papers / re-used papers / notebooks. A psychological thought says we tend to be more creative when we facing papers and pencil or pen instead of a computer. And the feeling is more real and magic when we make an underline or create a circle for some crucial keywords. In the conventional medium, I could easily draw an idea that is difficult to explain in sentences.
BUT, bear in mind if you consider your self as unorganized person. You might be lost your draft if you were not filing your papers into a folder. That is why I usually filed my sketch or draft in filing cabinet like this.
The other core problem is that you can't search crucial keywords through handwritten notes the way you can with files on a digital device.
Another more sophisticated way or perhaps a win-win solutions area is by using the nowadays notebook like Moleskine that simply converts your ink creations into digitalize form.
Digital apps
A lot of apps for writers to download and try a shot. The advantages of those apps are everything is filled and save. Even you are not carrying a laptop or desktop, you can simply hit the apps through your mobile phone. So it is 24 hours available for you. But you miss the creative process of how the ideas will grow from embryo to mature. Because based on my experience, I just hypnotize with all the super features provided by the apps and start to ignore the artsy senses.
In other words, you may combine theses two different mediums to start creating your piece. It depends on your personality. Drafting your first ideas and start typing using digital apps. The most crucial part is always the ideas since William Shakespeare only wrote using his pen and papers. J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, composed mostly in longhand and amassed a mountain of notes, many of which were on scraps of papers. And still, their masterpiece becomes a benchmark in the literature industry.
Happy writing, everyone!